
Au Naturel

So lately I have been really into the idea of throwing out conventional beauty products, as well as nutrition and dieting techniques, for a more "natural" approach.

Only when I say lately, what I really mean is in the past year or so.

The interest in this sort of thing started when I decided to watch a documentary on Netflix called "Hungry for Change" just for the heck of it. It got me very curious and I began to do a lot of research on my own, and discovered some very startling things about the way I had been living and treating my body. Up until this point I had never given any consideration to what I put in and on my body, and in doing so, have felt the results; bad skin, dry hair, irregular sleep and no energy to do anything. What really convinced me that I needed and wanted to change, as well as fascinated me, was the idea that you could heal most issues just by changing your diet or products to be more natural and unprocessed.

It almost seems like this should be a no-brainer, but for me, I feel that this is something that changed the way I look at things.

I think that the idea of using strictly chemical-free natural products, as well as eating unprocessed foods, is awesome and something I'm definitely interested in learning more about and trying. I'm currently taking a Nutrition class elective as one of my last classes before I get my AA degree. I've learned a lot so far but I am in no way an expert, just someone who enjoys learning about this topic.

I'm also someone who is sort of slow to change sometimes. I have these ideas in my mind but never put them into practice because I'm waiting for the perfect time or situation. I've realized that nothing is ever perfect, and that kind of attitude will only keep me stuck in the same place. So, I finally decided to just go for it. Even if I can't have it all together right this instant, I can still move in a small direction towards something better. 

So I went to the local health food store today with a few goals in mind:

1.) I've read all over the internet and other blogs about the "No Shampoo" or "No Poo" approach to haircare and it sounded really interesting. A lot of people are saying that it works really well when done right, and is 10x better for you than the normal shampoos filled with chemicals you can't pronounce and added fillers that weigh hair down as well as strip it of its natural oils. So I thought hey why not? I'll give it a try.

The idea is to "wash" your hair (mostly just your roots) with the baking soda. You do this by putting a teaspoon of it mixed with warm water into a spray bottle. Next comes the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse-- which you combine one tablespoon of with a cup of warm water in a spray bottle as well.

I also read that coconut oil can be used as a deep conditioner in small amounts as well as a de-frizzer in dry hair.

2.) Another thing was I wanted to find products that I could use on my face. I've read about the benefits of both coconut oil as a facial cleanser and moisturizer and honey as a cleanser. Both of these food products are naturally antibacterial and great for moisturizing.

I am excited to implement these new techniques into my daily routine and see how they work out!

Does anyone else out there know more on this subject? Anyone ever try one of these methods before? Lemme know! (:


  1. I ve been using soda and vinegar for more than one year and I am really content. It took couple weeks for hair to adapt but generally I really like it. U aditionally put drop or two of lavender essential oil. My hair is of those thin ones (not too much, but still) and this way it stay longer airy and clean. I m not good in describing beauty products and ways, but here, my opinion;-) (And I even take it with me at a swimming pool, no matter it s a real process sometimes;))

    1. Wow thats awesome! Ive been trying it for a little over a week now and my hair has never felt more soft and clean-it's amazing! Whats also really cool is my hair is going back to its natural texture which is very curly! Thats really neat to hear that youve been doing this for over a year though! (:

  2. I've always been interested in doing something like this but then I worry about how it will turn out. Can't wait to hear about your experience!

    1. Me too! Ive always been afraid to try it-but ive been doing it for a little over a week now and its actually going really well! (:

  3. Ive done really basic stuff like an oatmeal honey mask.. but I can't wait to see what you make.

    1. Oh thats such a great idea! Ive been using the honey as a cleanser so far but that sounds amazing-i've got to try it as a mask with oatmeal!

  4. I love this post because I'm all about ditching store bought and making it myself. I do my own 'no-poo' shampoo, make my own deodorant, borax free detergent, soap, candles, and more. My diet is also expunged of all the bad stuff. My body has thanked me for it so many times. I think we often disregard the impact everything can have on our body, from what we eat, put on, to what we breathe. Great discussion topic!

    1. Thats awesome that you do all of those things Aubrey! Im a little bit jealous-I wish I could be completely free of the bad stuff too! haha Especially when it comes to eating "cleaner" unprocessed foods. I am getting there little by little though and its definitely a goal that is really important to me! Do you have any of the recipes up on your blog? (:

  5. This is such a great post! I love that you can do all of these things!


  6. i love that documentary! and i have been using baking soda in my hair for years, it works wonders on everything! i still use a normal shampoo, but i like using honey and avocado in my hair to create softness. my close friend is really into this stuff, and she makes all her own beauty products! i've also heard eggs work really well to make your hair shiny, never tried it though!

    lindsey louise


    1. Me too! Ive been using the baking soda and apple cider vinegar for almost 3 weeks now and it has been awesome! Ive had no problems with it and my hair looks better than ever. Thats really cool that you use honey and avocado to keep your hair soft-I might just have to try that sometime! I totally tried the eggs when I was younger! haha I remember reading about it in a magazine and trying it out!

  7. Nice Blog :)

    Wanna follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin, Facebook or Twitter???

    Just let me know and I will make sure to follow ya back

    1. Hi Bisma! So glad you stopped by my blog (: I would love to follow on GFC but I don't have a Bloglovin yet...haha

  8. Hey! just found you through the Southern Florida link up as I was wondering who else is in FL, ha! I started using Apple Cider vinegar as a toner and it's great!

    1. Oh how cool!! That SF meet up thing is pretty neat! Hmm I've never thought of using it as a toner-may try some time! (:


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